The sky was ablaze with light over c entral Edinbu rgh last Saturday night . O n what would have been the opening weekend of the 2020 Edinburgh International Festival, the heavens were n’t lit up by fireworks, as is the norm at thi s time of year . Rather, the shafts of light that pierced the air were part of a spectacular installation design ed to illuminate the city’s empty theatres and ve nues that would ordinarily be hosting EIF events this month. Created by lighting de signers Kate Bonney and Simon Hayes , aka Lightworks, the sky-borne spectacle was the flagship event of My Lig ht Shines On. This is the name given to E IF’s d igital programme of films taking place on line throughout August in place of the physical events cancelled by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic . The films showcase performances of comm...
An archive of arts writing by Neil Cooper. Effete No Obstacle.