Devon Projects, Huntly The fish is on the fire in the outdoor clay oven built by Kawther Luay and Fionn Duffy for the final part of their yearlong exploration of food, foraging and hospitality as collective ritual and shared artistic act. It’s a blowy but sunny Sunday afternoon at Greenmyres, a sixty-three acre site run by Huntly Development Trust ten minutes outside Huntly in Aberdeenshire. More than twenty diner participants are seated at a long table in a covered outdoor shed, having already helped prepare the food the are about to share under Luay and Duffy’s guidance, be it as chef or ceramicist. Recognising the performative nature of the experience, Luay has cast both herself and Duffy as well as assorted ingredients as characters in their mini epic, from the milk of Act 1 and the grain of Act 2, both presented earlier in the summer, to the third and final act, fired by clay. With the foodstuffs sourced within a fifty-mile radius, the pots they are contained in have ...
An archive of arts writing by Neil Cooper. Effete No Obstacle.