A lot has happened since Apphia Campbell first performed the play that has become Through the Mud. Back in 2017, what was then a solo piece called WOKE saw Campbell and co-writer Meredith Yarbrough’s response to the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, USA, when black teenager Michael Brown was shot dead by a white police officer, become a Fringe hit. Developed and expanded to incorporate a second actress in the form of Tinashe Warikandwa, Through the Mud looks set to do much the same. Adapted from writer and spoken word artist Altovise Laster’s Poems from the Underground, WOKE and now Through the Mud chart the lives of Black Panther Assata Shakur and a nineteen-year-old student called Ambrosia, who is enrolling at university as the events in Ferguson are kicking off. Forty-two years apart, the two women rise up. As the killing of Brown and other black men, including George Floyd in 2020, helped foster the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, Through the Mud’s co-production be...
An archive of arts writing by Neil Cooper. Effete No Obstacle.