Sneaky Pete's, Edinburgh
Thursday November 10th 2011
4 stars
In her geek-girl specs and floppy Annie Hall hat, Twin Sister chanteuse
Andrea Estella appears as quintessentially kooky a New Yorker as any
afficionado of 1970s me-generation peak era Woody Allen movies could
wish for. The check-shirted quartet of preppy boys cooking up a post
Vampire Weekend groove behind her concur, even as they counterpoint
Estella's wispiness with something infinitely more twenty-first
Guitarist Eric Cardona actually opens his mouth first to sing in a
disarmingly high voice before Estella picks things up for Bad Street, a
sassy little strut fleshed out from the band's debut album proper, In
Heaven, and which flits between bass-led punk-funk-lite, twinkly synths
and even a brief Debbie Harry style rap. With shades of Saint Etienne,
Fleetwood Mac, Broadcast and Curved Air gone disco, more often than not
in the same song, such pick and mix eclectism soars into the ether, but
Rather, with Estella's gossamer-frail voice bobbing in, about and all
around all such tributaries, Twin Sister are a user-friendly concoction
of infectiously prettified melodies. Radio-friendly sleeper hit All
Around And Away We Go is a case in point. Toughened up for the live
arena, given a late-night slot, Twin Sister might just cut loose enough
to turn turn into a dance-floor dream.
The List, November 2011
Thursday November 10th 2011
4 stars
In her geek-girl specs and floppy Annie Hall hat, Twin Sister chanteuse
Andrea Estella appears as quintessentially kooky a New Yorker as any
afficionado of 1970s me-generation peak era Woody Allen movies could
wish for. The check-shirted quartet of preppy boys cooking up a post
Vampire Weekend groove behind her concur, even as they counterpoint
Estella's wispiness with something infinitely more twenty-first
Guitarist Eric Cardona actually opens his mouth first to sing in a
disarmingly high voice before Estella picks things up for Bad Street, a
sassy little strut fleshed out from the band's debut album proper, In
Heaven, and which flits between bass-led punk-funk-lite, twinkly synths
and even a brief Debbie Harry style rap. With shades of Saint Etienne,
Fleetwood Mac, Broadcast and Curved Air gone disco, more often than not
in the same song, such pick and mix eclectism soars into the ether, but
Rather, with Estella's gossamer-frail voice bobbing in, about and all
around all such tributaries, Twin Sister are a user-friendly concoction
of infectiously prettified melodies. Radio-friendly sleeper hit All
Around And Away We Go is a case in point. Toughened up for the live
arena, given a late-night slot, Twin Sister might just cut loose enough
to turn turn into a dance-floor dream.
The List, November 2011